Save space, save money with Total Storage.
Space is a valuable resource, and when you save space you’re effectively saving money. Total Storage Systems are the experts in warehouse, office, handling and personal storage solutions. Whatever you need to store, Total Storage Systems can save you space and money.
Total Storage: The first choice for all your storage needs.

Latest From Total Storage Systems

Mobile Shelving
Mobile shelving allows you to store more in a smaller space by eliminating access aisles. Only one aisle is required at any one time and

Smoking and Cycle Shelters
If you’d like to learn more about any of our products or services, get a no-obligation quote or start the ordering process please get in

Communication Boards
Bespoke communication boards which portray your image as a company and can give information to your employees. This design has 3 elements. A felt board

Small Parts Cabinets
Keep all those screws and fixings at your fingertips with a variety of sized drawers and cabinets.

Work Benches
From a simple work bench to a complete workstation providing a comfortable, ergonomic and efficient station for packing, maintenance or assembly.

Access Steps
From simple kick stools to safety steps to allow you to safely access those items stored out of easy reach.

Distribution Trucks
Standard or bespoke tucks and trolleys to help your picking operations and gereral distribution of products.

Lockable Cupboards
Lockable cupboards which come in a variety of sizes for the safe storage of personal effects, of more dangerous or hazardous substances.

Security and Fire Safes for the safe storage of high value items. If you’d like to learn more about any of our products or services,

Cloakroom Equipment
Benches and hangers which can be either free standing or wall mounted for any changing room environment.

Laptop lockers
Laptop lockers provide a safe storage system for laptops or other high value items. These lockers have an option of a charging facility, allowing the